Knowledge Every Business Owner Needs About Their Website

Have you ever experienced any challenges with the hosting, domain name, and registrations of your website?  Have you had to change any of these features?  If so, you probably know what a nightmare this can be on you, your staff and your website developer.  Unlocking domain names, or changing name servers can be quite challenging especially if the company that hosts your website suddenly closes it doors.

You may be faced with having your website disappear suddenly and have to locate information.  Here are a few questions that you should make sure you have the answers to.

  1. Do you know where your domain is registered?
  2. Do you have the url and log in information for the domain register?
  3. Do you know where your website is hosted?
  4. Do you have the website hosting url and log in information?
  5. Do your emails go through your website or a separate provider?
  6. Where is the information to access your email accounts kept?
  7. What are all of the email addresses associated with my company?

These are just a few great questions that can come up when you are suddenly faced with the challenge of moving or changing something for your website.  More on this topic to come in the days ahead.